!Alleen voor Hauptwerk 5 - For Hauptwerk 5 only!
St. Mary-le-bow, London (extended)
This extended sample set of 39 speaking stops has been created which – whilst retaining the quality and ethos of the existing St Mary-le-Bow organ – seeks to significantly extend the flexibility and scope of the instrument. All of the additions use samples taken from the original instrument and it is hoped that nothing out of place has been created (no Tubas or 32' reeds here!). Rather, an attempt has been made to create the sort of instrument that might have been provided by Kenneth Tickell had a larger organ spread over three manuals been commissioned. Sharp-eyed readers may also note a small nod in the direction of the 1880 J.W. Walker organ with some of the additions! Incidentally, this set is included with the standard St Mary-le-Bow sample set at no extra cost.
The scope of the Swell and Pedal has been conservatively widened and a new Choir organ has been provided, designed very much to complement the existing scheme. A greater range of playing aids has been provided, such as the Basscouplers and sub- and super-octave couplers available on both the Swell and Choir. In addition, the manual range has been extended to 61 notes and the pedal range extended to 32 notes.

Computer requirements vary depending on whether the single or multi-channel set is loaded. The sample memory limit of 3 GB for Hauptwerk Basic Edition means that Hauptwerk Advanced Edition should be considered essential for the multi-channel variant of the extended set and highly desirable for the single-channel set as otherwise there will be a significant constraint in the number of ranks that may be loaded. For the single channel set, a decent dual core or (ideally) quad core processor is recommended, alongside a minimum of 8 GB of system memory (RAM). The multi-channel complete set really does require 24 GB or more of system RAM, alongside a fast (i5/i7) quad core processor.
The following memory usage table gives approximate memory requirements for various loading configurations when loading the single-channel sample set (Chancel samples only). Note that memory requirements are significantly reduced if the tremulant affected samples are not loaded.

* Multiplying by 3 will give an approximate figure. For instance, all three stereo channels loaded at 24 bit, all loops and lossless compression has been measured as requiring 42,136 MB of RAM. It is of course possible to load just two channels (eg Ambient and Surround only), in which case simply multiply these figures by 2.