!Alleen voor Hauptwerk 5 - For Hauptwerk 5 only!
NOTE: Click on the stop names for a small sound demo!
(C,D,E,F,G,A–c3)* 01. Principal 16 A
02. Quintadena 16 H/S
03. Octav 8 H/S
04. Gedackt 8 H/S
05. Octav 4 H/S
06. Rohr Flöt 4 H/S
07. Nassat 3 H/S
08. Octav 2 H/S
09. Mixtur 6-fach H-A
10. Cimbel 3-fach A
11. Trommet 16 S
12. Trommet 8 H/S Rückpositiv
(C,D,E,F,G,A–c3)* 01. Principal 8 H/S
02. Quintadena 8 H/S
03. Rohr Flöt 8 H/S-A
04. Octav 4 H/S
05. Wald Flöt 2 H/S
06. Sieflöt 1 ½ A
07. Sesquialter 2-fach A
08. Scharff 5-fach A
09. Dulcian 16 H/S
10. Trechter Regal 8 H/S | Brustwerk (C,D,E,F,G,A–c3)* 01. Gedackt 8 H/S
02. Quer Flöt 8 (ab c1) H/S
03. Flöt 4 H/S
04. Octav 2 H/S
05. Tertia 1 3/5 H/S
06. Nassat Quint 1 ½ H/S-A
07. Sedetz 1 H/S A
08. Scharff 3 fach H/S-A
09. Krumphorn 8 S
10. Schalmey 4 S-A Pedal (C,D,E–d1)* 01. Principal 16 H/S-A
02. Sub=Bass 16 H/S-A
03. Octav 8 H/S
04. Octav 4 H/S
05. Nachthorn 1 H/S
06. Mixtur 5-6 fach H/S
07. Posaun 16 H/S
08. Dulcian 16 A
09. Trommet 8 H/S
10. Cornet 2 A | Registration Aids Manual shove coupler BW-OW Tremulant for the entire organ |
H/S: Berendt Hus with the assistance of Arp Schnitger (1668–1675) S: Arp Schnitger (1688)
S-A Schnitger, partly supplemented by Ahrend
H-A: Hus, partly supplemented by Ahrend
A: Jürgen Ahrend (1975)
* Extended version: Manuals C–d3, Pedal C–f1 |
1 whole tone above normal (a1 = 493 Hz)
Modified mean-tone temperament (3 pure tierces)
Blower System
6 historic bellows (actually 4 operable, also by calcants)
Wind pressure: 82 mm
Oberwerk: Double spring chest, otherwise slider chests